Post 19 - Some Interesting Yet Troubling Statistics

I came across this video today of a gentleman I know personally. The statistics shared are kind of mindblowing. Yet as I wander and intersect with so many outside of my circle, I see there are huge differences in beliefs. 

What are Your Beliefs? 

Here is the write up with the video: 

Many Canadians identify as Christians, but what do they actually believe? Canadian Christians’ beliefs don’t necessarily match what their churches teach. That’s one of the key findings in a major new study by think tank Cardus, Still Christian(?): What Canadian Christians Actually Believe. In the video below, Ray Pennings, Executive Vice President of Cardus, highlights some of the key inconsistencies between Christians’ personal beliefs and historical doctrines, which have significant implications for discipleship, evangelism, and reaching the next generation.

Please watch it for yourself. It is short and concise.

Proceed to POST 20
