Post 18 - Update on Readership Stats & ReWriting Religion?
I don't know how many took the time to read blog posts, all stats tell me is who has landed here. I am eternally grateful the number is so high. Without overanalyzing it.
I'm still pondering what's next in the context of this blog. I took a book home from a church library this week. (One of my exercise classes is at this church.) I was sure God set me up to notice the book and sign it out. But as I read it, I'm getting the feeling some of the concepts are a little 'nutty'. They seem a little along the lines of what I've been told Lutherans believe. That God is in the earth, trees, sky...which he is, but he is much more than that. And finding God is through finding Jesus, not finding him in the dirt of the earth (though I do feel close to God in nature too).
The author hasn't referred to Jesus yet. She said baptism is the removal of sins. And in my faith practice beliefs, baptism is NOT for the removal of sin at all. It is a confession of faith. (I don't speak of baby baptism.) Jesus removes sin with or without baptism.
Romans 10:9: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved"
So, while I thought I might write prompts based on what I learn from this latest (unmentioned) book, I will not. But it has been eye opening to see the paths some deconstructionists have travelled. It makes me feel they are making up their own religion--rewriting the meanings of the Bible. It is happening everywhere. I just read some excerpts of another writer where he is certain the story of Noah and the Ark is hyperbole. That is, the ark represents the care of God, inviting the animals into the ark represents God inviting us into relationship with him. As intriguing as this concept is, I'm not sure I'm ready to embrace it.
So thank you if you've read this far. Thank you to all who visited this blog so far. When I am more inspired, I will write more, because I must.
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